To solve that daunting experience of finding your right service provider at the right time at the right place and at the right price.
ServBetter is a secure platform that connects service buyers with service providers across the globe in 12 different categories and in more than 100 subcategories/services.
Now You Have The Choice!
ServBetter’s mission is to help people getting connected. From people who are willing to pay for services and get help in their day to day short term tasks, to complicated or highly skilled projects. For those who need to earn some extra money in their free time and for corporate business service providers.
The vision of ServBetter is to become Amazon and Alibaba for services. We want to become the largest portal for serving people who are looking to purchase and provide any kind of services. And we have an amazing world class team coming from 5 different nationalities to work for this vision.
Our real strength lies in our core team and the experiences we bring. Our product is not just any other marketplace platform. We specifically focus on connecting people around services rather than products.
We are a Total Integrated Marketplace Aggregator (TIMA), where customers can fulfil a broad range of service search and delivery. This platform is the first of its kind and we are proud to say that we are the biggest service marketplace in UK.